Indonesia Updates
We are pleased to be able to provide articles about investment and business in Indonesia from Soebagjo, Jatim, Djarot, Attorneys at Law, in Jakarta, Indonesia.
A book intended for people considering doing business in Indonesia was published by Canaria Shoboh. The book contains easy-to-understand explanations of things such as Indonesia’s general overview, its investment environment, and its laws and regulations related to investment.
“A Comprehensive Guide to Doing Business in Indonesia”
Publisher: Canaria Shoboh
Author/Editor: Kuroda Law Offices
Publication: June 19, 2009 (First issue of first printing: June 25, 2009)
“Introduction to Business Law Practice for Foreign Businesses Making Ventures in Indonesia” carried in The Lawyers magazine
“Introduction to Business Law Practice for Foreign Businesses Making Ventures in Indonesia” (Kuroda, Kenji and Wardani, Yulia Kusumi) carried in The Lawyers magazine (ILS Publications, Inc.; in Japanese) are available below.
- Article 12: “Foreign Labor” (Last article in series)
- Article 11: “Dissolving and Liquidating Companies”
- Article 10: “Mergers and Acquisitions”
- Article 9: “Incentives to Investment (II)”
- Article 8: “Incentives to Investment (I)”
- Article 7: “The Tax Scheme (II)”
- Article 6: “The Tax Scheme (I)”
- Article 5: “Rights Relating to Land”
- Article 4: “Procedures to Establish a Direct Foreign Investment Company”
- Article 3: “Forms of Ventures into Indonesia”
- Article 2: “Investment in Indonesia: An Outline”
- Article 1: “1. Indonesia’s Investment Climate; 2. Obstacles to Recovery of Foreign Direct Investment and Actual Efforts for Recovery; 3. Indonesia Today; 4. Outlook”